True Stories From Talons Youth - Fireworks and Senior Citizens [11019-0A]

I was like Sixteen years old and we bought "Strijkers" / "Strikers" and "KanonSlagen" / "Cannon Blasts", they were also firework explosives that you had to strike against a matchbox... Those Cannon Blasts closely resembled TNT explosives and they were about an inch in diameter... So what did I do... I bought a set of sparklers, big sparklers I might add, about 20 inches long, or 45 centimeters or something. I took one of the sparklers, taped three Canon Blasts at the bottom. Walked into an old folks home, like a flat appartment for seniors, and might I add, they were all World War II Survivors... So at the bottom of the staircase is this hatch right, but I'll save the crawl space story for another time. Anyway, I lit the sparkler and placed it on the hatch and me and 2 buddies at the time walked out... It was like 65 seconds later when we walked across the street and there was a BangBangBang behind us... Right at that moment someone passed us by and I said iconacolly... Who on Earth would do such a thing??? The person walking by had a distraught look on his face when he was facing the old folks home... You see, no one suspects you use a sparkler as a long fuse...


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