Special Documentary Inside Access - Grunbau History Episode 1 [110319-01]
[Announcer] Welcome to SDIA, Special Documentary Inside Access. Tonight we will uncover hidden history that finally will see the light of day. We only have fragments as the records of this event in human history has been obfuscated from societies view. Here's your host!!! [Talon] Hi, and welcome dear viewer, tonight we will feature an interview with a Grunbau War Survivor by the name of Granny Runetta. Runetta, how are you today? [Runetta] I'm fine thank you for asking! [Talon] I'm asking you this, because we will be focussing on a hidden piece of history that was hidden from humanity because of it's devestating effect it had on human society. Where shall we begin? Where were you born? [Runetta] Well, I was born locally you know, and the country to the west from us had a new dictator in power. We almost suffered from famine so many emigrated to the west. [Talon] And what then happened? [Runetta] Well, the food reserves to the west were depleted, within two years the immigrants of the country to the west of us were no longer welcome. The dictator then decided to catapult people over the border and as a message he made them crash into cities. I almost was hit once, because before we knew it people were crashing down onto the street, damaging buildings and dying almost instantly. I can still remember the short screams that followed upon impact... A... A... A... U... That last one was an immigrant cow that could no longer produce milk and was too old to eat. [Talon] This is some serious stuff and it's amazing you survived that ordeal, we will be back after the commercials...
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