Opinion Now - Hermafrodites [111619-0A]

[Announcer] Welcome to Opinion Now, here's your host! [Talon] Today we are tackling a difficult subject. In the studio we have a man, or is it a woman. He or she has both bodyparts. The floor is all yours. [Hermafrodyte] Hi, I'm a hermafrodyte and I have both a penis and a vagina. With all these mental diseases like transgendering and homosexuality around the populace at large forgets about my demographic. It is time for us to unite and put those retarded concepts of non binary behind us. When the election comes, choose with your heart as well as your brain. We hermafrodytes are a marginalized part of the community and it's time our voices were also heard... [Talon] Voices heard and they hoped they were deaf, tune in next week when we interview an insane person. Now you might ask yourself the question, aren't they always insane. And yes, but next weeks interviewee is extra insane...

;This bit was in honor of The Emperor of Trolling!!!

;Sorry doing a lot of dutch humor, will switch between languages more frequently


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