Opinion Now - Fake Accuzers & Bitches [112119-0B]

[Announcer] Welcome to Opinion Now, here's your favorite host!! [Talon] Good morning, this morning we have a guest that focusses himself on criminal cases that concern the average man. Mr. Jutyen, please, you have the stage! [Mr. Juyten] You wanna know why Lady Justice is blind, it's because in that way she cannot see the truth when all three eyes are blind. And don't get me started about the first two eyes. There was this local obese ugly woman who accused 13 men of rape and each got 15 years in prison. That is 195 years of prison time. By the time the justice apparatus got to future prisoner 14 they realized that they were dealing with a crazy ass fat lady. So it was over till the fat lady sang. Only problem is that she got only 5 to 10 years or so in prison. The 13 men were released from prison, five of them suspected to have been raped during jail time and all is well in the eyes of society. Well, not in my eyes, why does she get off having only so little prison time, and without mandatory diet. I mean, nobody likes fat bitches, skinny bitches are allright though... [Talon] There you have it people, skinny bitches are allright!

[Announcer] Up next, Doctor Hospital... [Soundbite] ...Oh Doctor Hospital, you make me so wet! Well yes, I have to moisturize before I make an incision... [Announcer] Don't miss it!!!


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