Newsaholic Season 1 Episode 11.2 - Rupert calls Adolph Hitler [110519-01]

*Ring* *Ring* [Rudolph] Yo this is Ruup! [Adolph] Ey Yo Nigga, this is Adolph, you know what I just read about on the internet? [Rudolph] The weather? Nah, I'm just joking, tell me! [Adolph] You know right how people were against the New Major. [Rudolph] You don't have to tell me, it was all over the new! [Adolph] Not everything, it turns out a bunch of niggas went and scalped a retard! I used to say till the day niggas scalp retards, but now I use till hell freezes over!! [Rudolph] Am I hearing that correctly, a bunch of niggas scalped a retard? [Adolph] Yeah nigga, shit's crazy man, I really have to process this. Anyway my nigga cat, when are you coming by to record your demo, the studio is ready and I'm full of anticipation!!! [Rupert] How late do you wake up tomorrow morning? [Adolph] I want to kick these bitches out at 9 AM but I'm no Grunbau you know, so they'll probably be gone around ten. Lets meet up at ten thirty. [Rupert] Sounds of a plan, allright see you tomorrow morning. [Adolph] Aight my feline nigga, see you tomorrow!!! *Click*

Note: These events will transpire in Episode 12, cannot promise it's tomorrow though...


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