Disturbed Animals - Helper Monkey Turned Killer [110719-02]

[Announcer] Welcome to Disturbed Animals where we take a look at what kind of behaviour animals have when in contact with us humans! Here's your favorite host!!! [Talon] Today, we will be viewing and discussing paintings done by a helper monkey who murdered his owner. Chaniqua is at the scene as always, my dear... [Chaniqua] Who are you calling your dear? [Talon] No I said, my beer, cameraman please get me my beer. Please continue Chaniqua. [Chaniqua] Well apparently they are trying to help the helper monkey to work through the trauma, at least that's what the zoo keepers say. There is no real prison for animals, so they're sent to the zoo. [Talon] Sounds reasonable, please continue... [Chaniqua] Okay, I'm now presenting the paintings from the monkey... [Talon] Why is red the only color it uses? [Chaniqua] Wait, that's not paint, and is that a dead Zookeeper over there. Talon, I'm out of here, please call Animal Control and have this thing put down immediately!!! [Talon] Ooh, I love it when you get mad and all decisive like that! [Chaniqua] Now is not the time Talon, I'm outta here... [Talon] Thank you for watching, see us next time!!


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