Conspiracy Now - Cowshit and Chicken Progress [110619-02]
[Announcer] Welcome to Conspiracy Now, here's your top host Maxis Jaxxon! [Maxis Jaxxon] You, this morning when I drove to work I passed by a farming area and saw cows grazing. There was a train track and I had to stop for a moment, as I turned my attention to the right I saw a cow from behind, only seconds later I saw it's sphincter open up and cowdung started to emerge. And that really made me think people, the government sees us as shit and when it's done with us we will we expelled like excrement. You know what they do in third world countries? They build houses with cow dung, or dry it for usage to cook food. Now I'm not saying that the government is building houses out of actual people, or that we are used to cook food, but I hope you get my point. And now we will get to the news of today. I'm getting reports from trusted secret anonymous shadowy hard to find sources that the Chickens have landed on what they call Chickonia Prime. Now people, this is not the time to panick it will take some time for an invasion force to return with their endless mission to free Battery Chickens out of the human hands and return them to a life of free range chickens. After the commercials we will be discussing the implications of a Chicken Invasion...
[Maxis Jaxxon] Hi Datawarrior, I present to you Datawars Bodylotion, watch me smear this overpriced product all over my body. Call 1-800-DATAWAR and order a tube today for the introductory price of only 14.99 Moneys!! Order now, because our supply is getting low!!!
[Caitlyn] How many times do I have to watch Maxis Jaxxon smearing his semi naked body in lotion? I mean, it has gotta end sometime right? This is getting out of hand1 [Rupert] Seeing his perseverance to sell the lotion I wouldn't count on it, but again it wouldn't hurt if he'd use a female reporter in his ads...
[Maxis Jaxxon] Hi Datawarrior, I present to you Datawars Bodylotion, watch me smear this overpriced product all over my body. Call 1-800-DATAWAR and order a tube today for the introductory price of only 14.99 Moneys!! Order now, because our supply is getting low!!!
[Caitlyn] How many times do I have to watch Maxis Jaxxon smearing his semi naked body in lotion? I mean, it has gotta end sometime right? This is getting out of hand1 [Rupert] Seeing his perseverance to sell the lotion I wouldn't count on it, but again it wouldn't hurt if he'd use a female reporter in his ads...
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