Prince Phillip and The Rat King - 001 (Test)

It was ages ago, it took place in a far away land. And by that I mean it took place a few paces from here. It was a time of prosperity in the kingdom. Lanterns were lit at night, people were well fed and there was little crime to speak of. Though you had to be mistaken that all was well. You see, in the darkness things weren't going too well. There was lots of poverty and it drove the Rat King into a corner, and that's when it all started. It started in a dark moist moss filled cave that only reveived sunlight two hours a day. There, at the throne of the Rat King, it was decided action had to be taken. The Rat Kingdom only had food for two more weeks and the Rat Kingdom Treasure Chest was emptied out. This didn't happen suddenly, you see, for the last few years crop yields were surprisingly low as there was enough rain and sunlight to let them grow. It was a sort of curse as it were and there was no one to point to, nor was there any action to be undertaken to counteract this. This left the Rat King in a dire situation, it was then when he heard of the upper kingdom and it's main city of Arcadia where there's supposed to be extraordinary wealth available. He could not involve other Giant Rats for his quest as no one in the kingdom was to know that there was a problem with the food stock. He then set out for the Kingdom of Arcana in secret. It was late at night when he snuck out, the other rats were fast asleep as he tiptoed out of the cave. He had all his gear with him and was ready to set out on an adventure...


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