Opinion Now - Waiters and Cooks are King [101819-01]
[Welcome to Opinion Now, here's your host! [Host] Welcome to today's show, today we feature a piece on restaurants by an unknown food critic who also claims to be a politican. Here it goes! [Soundbite] I might be a crazy out there politician who is also a food critic, butI have a proposition. In restaurants and the like where a large group of people eat at a very long table. There, in that situation, at the heads of the table there should be no guests. The waiters sit there, eat and talk with the guests. And you have probably already guessed it, when you need a refill or something you don't have to wait for a waiter. She's at the table right next to you and you're having a wonderful conversation with her. Also don't forget that the head of the table position allows for easy access! You see, and it might seem archaic, but at the head of the table is usually the person in charge. And who is in charge of your dinner? Exactly, the cooks and the waiters, they are in charge and you are the guest. So next time be sure to seat the waiters at the head of the table for a smoother dining experience! [Host] Those were some harsh words directed at the consumer, next weeks episode will feature a homeless man that kills mice for 5 Moneys per kill and he's making a killing doing it...
(See how all these virtue signallers talking about inclusiveness, while they're dining and excluding the waiters and cheffs. You see, the left isn't inclusive, they're a bunch of ridicoulus infantile retards that exlude everyone who isn't part of their clique while claiming to be the opposite. Doesn't the devil disguise himself as good?) (Worst part of all, they don't even tip well, cheap ass bastards...)
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