Newsaholic - Character Intro or Something [102319-0C]

Hi, I'm Rupert, I'm a 17 year old cat that can talk. Much about me remains a mystery though. Hey there, I'm Cait. Use your full name please. Hi I'm Caitlyn, I'm twelve years old and still learning about life. Hi, I'm Jack, I'm 14 and if you tell my parents I smoked a cigarette in school I'll beat you up. Hey there viewer, listener or reader. I'm Mark and I will PWN you in gaming, just a heads up, this is not a threat, merely a statement that is aligned with reality. There he goes again acting like gaming prestige gives you street credit. This is Geffrey the father of the family, if you are hearing this I cannot come to the phone at this moment, but leave a message and I'll get right back to you. Yes this is Marjory, Geffrey did you forget to take out the trash? Yo man this is Adolph, I'm Dee Troit from Dee Troit Records. Why Adolph Hitler you ask? Well, cuz Grunbau would be too extreme... We all live in a cozy little neighbourhood, you're welcome to visit our barbeques, and remember, BYOB BYOM... Bring your own beer and bring your own meat... Yeah, and BYOB... What Adolph, we already covered that... Nah Nigga, Bring Your Own Bitches... Again, all are welcome to join our hood park barbeques... What honey, is bitches too offensive, I'll describe them as entrepreneurial females... What, we're having entrepreneurial females, I was really hoping for bitches this time. Oh Rupert, shut up...


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