News Tonight - The Art of Gaming [101719-0C]

[Announcer] Welcome to News Tonight, here's your favorite host!!! [Talon] Losing todays game match is just a lesson for tomorrow's win is a quote from Tsun Tzu The Art of Gaming, it was in 1988 where he truly took his place in history when he got the ultimate high score in Tetris. You see Tsun Tzu liked to be in the shadows, but his Tetris high score changed all that. It was that one fated morning where he walked onto the driveway in his pajamas to pick up the newspaoer. He then looked up to the sky and saw several airborne chickens. They were locked and loaded, thus ready to fire. Then their target got into view. It was a prop from Indepence Day, a giant UFO. The chickens fired their AAM's, that is Air to Air Missile in laymens terms. Since the giant UFO was made out of paper mache the whole incident blew over with a variety of explosions. The Chicken Alliance denied any involvement, but we know where the egg has been laid, don't we. Next up, a story about a retard who solved every puzzle in Reverse Dungeon Mode in Zelda Ocarina of Time. Seriously, we are covering games now? [Chaniqua] Hey, I happen to like Zelda, so shut up you bag of wheat. [Talon] I might be a bag of wheat, but at least I don't look like Whil Wheaton! [Chaniqua] Who? [Talon] Exactly, after the commercials a parrot that speaks only german with a stern voice...


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