News Today - Jetpack Prison Escape [101919-0E]

[Announcer] Welcome to News Today, here's your favorite host!!! [Talon] This morning a prisoner in our local prison escaped during the morning break. He did this wearing a Jetpack flying over the fence. It still remains a mystery how the Jetpack was smuggled inside, some experts believe it was snuck in in parts and reassembled inside the cell. While others believe it was delivered by a drone. A local lunatic had this to say... [Local Lunatic] Wohooblublabli [Talon] Please remind the crew not to feature lunatics anymore, this is surely hurting the intergity of this show. Wait, I'm getting a call, what, no, I'm not black, I don't rap and I did not fuck your bitch... Sorry people, had a call there for a moment, where were we... Ah yes, police are still investigating this matter and will update the media as the story progresses. Chaniqua is at our local jail, but the cheering and wooing is so loud we cannot connect to her. Those inmates must really like chocolate, next up a story about a homeless man who reinvented the cardboard box and became a millionaire..


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