Conspiracy Now - Taking Calls... [101519-03]

[Announcer] Welcome to Conspiracy Now, with your host Maxis Jaxxon! [Maxis Jaxxon] Welcome dear patriot, Datawarrior, Conspiracy Theorists, honestly I don't know what to call you guys anymore. Today We're taking phonecalls, caller Nr.1? [Caller Nr.1] Yeah hi, thank you for taking my call, see my cat is Satan incarnated, it walked into my bedroom last night with red glowing eyes. Come to think of it, it may have been a dream because I forgot to feed it... [Maxis Jaxxon] Thank you caller, next... [Caller Nr.2] Yeah hi, I think I'm being hacked, my computer does double clicks all the time and I don't know what's going on. [Maxis Jaxxon] There you have it viewers, now the crazies come out, my computer is being hacked bla bla whine whine, seriously when do we get to the real stuff??? Next. [Caller Nr.3] Yeah hi, I think my cat might be a GEH, I'm affraid to let it out of it's cage. [Maxis Jaxxon] Does it meow? [Caller Nr.3] Sometimes... [Maxis Jaxxon] Someone please send authorities to her house, her cat meowed!! After the commercials Dr. Expert will explain our new vitamin and mineral supplements...

[Maxis Jaxxon] We now have a new product available at the Datawars Store, it's called ButtMilk. You see in ancient times people used to bathe in milk, and it's the enzymes that really do the work. You see we use a milk extract in our lotion known in ancient times. It's called Milkulitis Buttisalvus. Yes people, you smear this stuff on your butt, and let me tell you it feels divine. Now for the introductory price of only 15.99 Moneys per bottle. Visit the Datawars Store now!


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