Conspiracy Now - Sunscreen [101219-02]

[Announcer] Welcome to conspiracy now, here's your host Maxis Jaxxon!! [Maxis Jaxxon] Welcome to todays show dear Datawarriors, today we will delve into the subject of weather control. You see, I have it from good and confidential sources that heatwaves are caused by the government. Yes dear viewer, yes, you better believe it. You see during heatwaves a lot of elderly in retirement homes die from respitory issues and whatnot, so it's an easy way to relieve the tension on pension funds. It's all about the money people, and you better believe it. I can remember when summers weren't so hot, nowadays you have to wear a tin foil hat just to cool down your brain, it's insane!!! You know in ancient times they used a sun dial, don't you get it, they used to dial the sun man, the motherfucking sun!! I know this sounds crazy, but listen to this! [Soundbite] Hi, I'm Maxis Jaxxon, I'm offering you the latest in sun screen technology. Watch this hot reporter smear this stuff all over her body! Only 16.99 Moneys a bottle, hey, I have an operation to run!! More on leprechauns after the commercials, do they really speak with an Irish Accent??...


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