Conspiracy Now - Local Doggy Extermism [101519-01]

[Announcer] Welcome to Conspiracy Now! Here's your host Maxisss Jaxxon!! [Maxis Jaxon] Welcome dear viewer! Today a local extremist taped a stick of C4 to a trained dog, he pointed his right arm forward and aimed his index finger at the local court house. He then screamed "Attention Pluto, Forward March". The mutt then proceeded to run towards the courthouse and right when it reached the door the extremist pulled the trigger. Only five seconds afterwards the police took him into custody, but it was too late. Half the courthoúse is now in shambles and Pluto is nowhere to be found. I have it on good authority that it was trained by a professional, that dog ran in a straight line from beginning to end. Why it kept whisking it's tail remains to be investigated in detail. To the uneducated it seemed happy, but that is only to the untrained eye. More on this later...


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