News Tonight - Terminator found in local forrest [091719-01] *****

[Announcer] Welcome to News Tonight, here's your favorite host!!! [Talon] Welcome people, do we have a story for you tonight, Chaniqua is on the scene in our local forrest. Chaniqua? [Chaniqua] Welcome here in our local forrest where a stranger than fiction story took place. What was first thought to be an inactive terminator has now been designated as a human corpse with 2 prostethic legs and one prosthetic arm. The local forrest ranger had the following to say. [Forrest Ranger] I swear, it looked like a terminator. The many mechanical components led to the belief we were dealing with a terminator instead of a human with prostethics. The fact that all his prostethics were chrome coated and he was lying naked wearing a leather jacket and holding a shotgun. So you see Chaniqua why it was easy for to determine we were dealing with a human corpse. [Chaniqua] Has the man been identified yet? [Forrest Ranger] Not yet, but there aren't too many people with 2 prostethic legs and a prostethic arm so the searh will be conducted by the police in collaboration with local hospitals. I even heard Doctor Hospital is on the case so I feel confident about the whole situation. [Chaniqua] Thank you so much for this interview and back to you Talon... [Talon] Amazing reporting Chaniqua, and now a story about a pilot with claustrophobia that only eats cereal, he is very cereal about it... Sorry for the pun, we will be back after the commercials...


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