News Tonight - Tea Serving Burglar Continuation [092819-02]

[Announcer] Welcome to News Tonight, here's your favorite host!! [Talon] Welcome people to the news, do we have a story for you, Chaniqua my beloved piece of dark chocolate? [Chaniqua] Shut the hell up you sad excuse for mozzarella, anyway, it seems the escaped mental patient slash burglar has struck again. The local city to our south has been victimized. Items were stolen from the major's office and he was served tea before the burglar escaped. The major took 2 lumps of sugar with his tea and was satisfied with the cookie assortment. [Talon] That's just wonderful, anything to add? [Chaniqua] Yes, apparently he left a note that the butler burglar as locals call him now, will strike next in the local village north of us. [Talon] Watch out local village to the north of us, you might get served tea and cookies. It seems nowadays no one is safe anymore. We will be back after the commercials...

[Sexy Womans Voice] Have you ever eaten a hamster loaded with chilli? [Asian AD Man] You buy now, only 4 Moneys 99, call 1-800-MCHAMSTERS or order online at www.fookyoo.local, remember, always, and always, Fook Yoo...

[Announcer] Soon to be released, Midget Fighters Ultimate Pro, choose the midget of your choice and fight through several stages against other midgets... You have never seen that many midgets in one place in your life... Only 59.99 Moneys and is only available on Game Station Extreme Pro 7


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