News Tonight - Gas Station Robbery [090819-02]

[Announcer] Welcome to News Tonight, here's your favorite host!! [Talon] Good evening people, do we have footage for you today. Chaniqua our beautiful lady is on the scene, Chaniqua my precious chocolate delight? [Chaniqua] Hi Talon, is that make up, white paint or your actual skincolor I'm seeing on the side screen over here? [Talon] Well, I do stay out of the sun mostly... [Chaniqua] Hey, I asked you a question, not your life's story!! Apparently there was a misunderstanding, it went as follows. Here we see an unidentified cat wielding a 9 mm pistol at the person behind the counter at our local gas station. He kept saying, I want my money, I want my money. Apparently the suspect was innocent, he was pointing his mobile phone at the register and was singing along with a music stream on his phone. The elderly near blind gas station employee mistook the mobile phone for an actual live firearm. The now innocent suspected suspect was scratching on a lottery ticket and assumed he'd won a prize. He then quotation marks, fled the scene. [Talon] When police watched the security feed it became clear he was moonwalking on the latest hit by Adolph Hitler who just released his latest rap album "I'm gonna rob a gas station". More on this after the commercials and also an in depth story about illegal alien sightings...

Geffrey, Marjory, Mark, Jack, Caitlyn, Rupert... Accross the street lives Dee Troit, he has chosen the artists name Adolph Hitler as a reminder that oppression is found everywhere...


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