Interesting People - Cold Water [091519-01]

[Welcome to Interesting People. Today we will cover a senior in our local old folks home has gone demented and senile, however no one dares to tell him. [Talon] Hi, I'm Talon your host of today. Today a local senior who has gone senile and demented emerged from his freezer claiming he discovered a new cooland liquid called ice water which he harvests from actual ice from his freezer. He has claimed many patents today and no one at the patent office dares to tell this sweet old man he's just taking ice from the freezer. We will keep you updated as this story progresses. And now a story about a blind chipmunk that overcame all odds and learned to partially read braille...

[Soundbite] Why is there barely any blood on my burger dad? That's not blood son, that's ketchup [/]
[Announcer] Now at McHamsters, the Hamster Burger with free extra ketchup, order now at www.mchamsters.local or call 1-800-MCHAMSTERS...


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