Datawars Vlog - Bees & Honey [091619-04]

[Maxis Jaxxon] I'm walking through the park in this early morning and I'm contemplating about life and destiny. And then a bee landed on my hand which turned my world upside down... Point the camera this way, you see this people, that's a bee. And what do bees do? They fly from flower to flower and pollinate yes, but what does it do that benefits humanity. It makes honey, exactly, they make honey. Since ancient times honey has been classified as something that beneficial for your health. But where does the bee fit in all of this, that is the real question! Have you ever had honey in your life, and I mean real honey produced by local bees which we exploit to the fullest. You see we produce our own local honey which will benefit your immune system. Because it's locally produced it will be more expensive than store bought honey, but hey I have an operation to run. Call 1-800-DATAWARS now or visit our online shop www.datawarsshop.local. [Asian AD Man] You can also order at www.fookyoo.local, remember always Fook Yoo...


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