Conspiracy Now - Vacation Destination [091819-02]

[Announcer] Welcome to Conspiracy Now! Here's your host! [Maxis Jaxxon] Hello fellow fighters for life, freedom and prosperity. Fellow warriors and datawarriors, do I have a message for you today... I'm walking on the beach near the ocean, and the waves made me think. You see they go backwards and forwards on a constant pace of motion. It's like Eb and Fload happen at every beach! But can we be sure, have you been to other beaches around the world. I haven't and neither have most people. Don't you understand man, or woman. The answer lies at the beach, there we will find clarity of mind and finally unraveld the unpenetrable conspiracies that affect our local country. And it is up to you the viewer, think about it, plan trips to beaches around the world. We will be back after these commercials...

[Maxis] Have you visited all beaches in the world, no and neither have we, now introducing Datawar Travelling, plan a trip to the beaches of the next country over for only 499 Moneys for one week, remember, I have an operation to run. Call 1-800-TAKEURMONEY for reservations, the actual stay period runs from October till January...

[Announcer] We at GunzBlazin sell the best firearms you can get, we now offer the 24 gauge shotgun, with twice the power and twice the damage to internal organs, call 1-800-INEEDTOSHOOTPEOPLE for a brochure...


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