Conspiracy Now - Bacon II [091119-04]

[Announcer] Welcome back to todays Conspiracy Now, here's your host Maxis Jaxxon!! [Maxis Jaxxon] You know how you used to draw clouds blue as a child, it's the sky that's blue you dumbass. Don't you people get it, clouds are white. This is where it all gets interesting. You see, clouds are sometimes also grey, grey people and you better believe it. You know what's also grey? Reality! Like it's with the bacon. You see, you think you know what the bacon is but you really don't. Seriously, do you even know what the bacon represents, we all know about the egg so that is not the issue at hand. Bacon comes from pigs, they live on a farm, a farm is located in a country, that country is part of the Earth. Are you starting to see, are you really starting to see?? You see, it's worldwide man, there's farms everywhere. Sorry I'm running of tangent here, let's get back to the main subject. But first we take a commercial break

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