Commercials [091619-02]

[Serious Commercial Voice] Does it ever rain outside your house, while it is dry inside your house. You're on top of things they say while you're in a staircase. You think you're going left while actually going right... Call 1-800-INEEDMENTALHELP now for 15% off with coupon code CUCKOO

It's Mexican Week at McHamsters, Crispy Crunch Hamsters with loads of Salsa Dip for only 7.99 Moneys, call 1-800-MCHAMSTERS or order online at www.mchamsters.local. Our motto, if it ain't got Hamsters, we ain't selling it!!!

[Soundbite] Aaargh, Aaargh, I broke my leg...  Don't worry now that I am here... Who the hell are you if I'd might ask. My name is Doctor Hospital, the one and only... Oh my god, the pain is gone for a minute, you mean, you are THE Doctor Hospital... Yes, would you like an autograph?? [Announcer] See it all tonight in the next Doctor Hospital, the ultimate reality live TV show with no fixed camera angles that all those other fake shows use...


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