Bizarro Zone - Aliens [092819-02]

[Serious Disclaimer Voice] This program contains partial nudity, full nudity, strong language, even stronger sexual content, foul language, prehistoric humanoids, terrible phone reception and a gate to the darkest pits of hell... [Announcer] Welcome to The Bizarro Zone, where all your troubles melt away replacing it with fear of the unknown. [Iglesias Morrato] Tonight, we go deep into the unknown and will be covering the topic of aliens... this is The Bizarro Zone and I am your host, Iglesias Morrato. [Soundbite] That one night, I woke up in the middle of the night, walked into the yard. I don't know if it was the light activated by the movement sensor or an alien spaceship, but when I woke up I had a clear recollection of it I swear... It was like I had communicated with the beyond... [Announcer] This program will continue after the commercials...

[Announcer] Do you fear spiders? Out now, the anti spider spray, also works against all other living beings. It has the most toxic content allowed by law and will kill when it comes in contact with human skin. [Heavy Disclaimer Voice] Keep out of reach from children. [Asian AD Man] You buy now, kill spiders today. Call 1-800-FOOKYOO or order online at www.fookyoo.local. Remember, Fook Yoo!!


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