Vote Today,(Racism is Funny) [082819-01]
[Announcer] Welcome to Vote Today, our very own show on where you, the people, get to vote. Here's your favorite host!! [Talon] Hi y'all, we're having a vote today as always, forgetting the fact that this is the first episode and it won't air daily. But let's not get into details... Chaniqua? [Chaniqua] Chaniqua here on the scene as always, today's vote is on racism. What is worse? "You fucked up bitch ass nigger!", "You goofy looking yellow skin chink eyed motherfucker" or "You cracker ass white ass milk smelling asshole motherfucker"? [Talon] These are all very harsh, people will sure have a hard time voting, that's for sure!! [Announcer] We will be back after the break with the results... Please stay tuned...
[Announcer] Now available, chilli fried dough encrusted Hamsters, they're delicious!! Call 1-800-MCHAMSTER or order online via www.mchamster.local
[Chaniqua] This is Chaniqua Live on Vote Today at the scene reporting live. Sir, sir, what did you vote? [Voter] Well, I uh, voted anonymous that you goofy looking yellow skin chink eyed motherfucker was the worst insult of all!! [Chaniqua] Why is that sir? [Voter] Well, I uh voted for that one because my girlfriend is asian! [Chaniqua] So you did not vote on race, but the fact that you have to sleep for a week on the livingroom couch. This just in from your girlfriend, she has put a tent in the hallway and you'll be sleeping in the backyard for two weeks. [Voter] Nigga please... [Chaniqua] There you have it folks, Nigga Please... [Announcer] More results after the commercial break...
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