Skit from Newsaholic [081519-01]

Newsaholic, name of show is pending....

[GF] Honey what are you watching? [M] Oh nothing, I just switched on the religious channel...

[Pastor] You see 444 is the self contained dynamic for breathable air on earth, you see what plants breathe, animals exhale, and vica versa, now pray to the holy squirrel.... For the holy scriptures say, on Holy Squirrel Day ye shall pray to the squirrel... And people remember, next week is Holy Hamster Day, McHamsters will be closed for the day...

[GF] Don't you feel any guilt for all this Rupert? [RP] What for, I'm 444, I'm a friggin cat man.
[GF] I don't know whats worse, his eating habbits or the fact I'm talking to a cat.

[Female Announcer] Try now, Hamster Mega Deluxe, it puts the ham in hamster, the ultimate in hamsterburgers. It's only 6.95 Moneys. Call 1-800-MCHAMSTER order online at www.mchamster.local. Order online and receive 3 crispy squirrel bits for free...

[GF] You hear that, Hamster Mega Deluxe... [RP] Yeah I already heard, I'm calling right now...

Update, here's some more stuff...

[RP] GF, do you remember your earliest memories? I do. I remember you saying to me when I was a kitten... [Soundbite GF] Rupert, Rupert, is that a hamster in your mouth? [RP] Mnow Mnow this isw a mwouse is sweyar... [GF] Good, as long as it's a mouse I'm okay with it, you do know I work for McMice right and I can't have my cat eating hamsters, those delicous McHamsterburgers, Hmmm [RP] Why are you gazing off into the distance? [GF] Oh nothing, just those taste enhancing chemicals at McHamsters really work like a drug! [RP] Really GF, I might try em sometimes when I get older...

[M] Good morning dear, the hamster's ready. [RP] Ah delicious breakfast here I come. [M] Not so fast, it's Jacks Hamster, from his school. [RP] *gulp*  [M] He's supposed to take care of it this week. Hey, where did the hamster go??? [RP] I dwon't know, less look arouwnd!!!


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