
Today scientists have discovered a symbol which depicts symbolism. Turns out it's so occult that we can not show it to you. But remember, you have been seeing it all along. You remember the ketchup stain on my shoulder. Yes you do, don't you. Well, let me tell you that that ketchup stain has absolutely nothing to do with this story. See this lipstick on my lips? Completely meaningless.

7 out of 10 lunatics approve of this message, instead you're hearing the opposite. Hi, welcome warrior to the ultimate resistance, this is conspiracy now and you're at the forefront of this epic battle... remember how you spread mayonaise on your ham sandwich this morning... No, no you don't, and that's exactly the problem. You did not put enough mayonaise on your ham sandwich and now you are paying the consequences. Feeling pretty foolish now don't we, all of this could have been prevented with just a little extra mayonaise. But oh boy, did you listen, no you did not listen and now we all are in this predicament, all because of a little mayonaise....

[Announcer] Hate might be the opposite of love, but it does not equal fear... fear is an aspect of this third dimension and finds it source in not having the understanding of something, see when you can relate something you can give it a place within your consiousness. But when you cannot understand someone or their intentions you have to formulate your own conclusions based on what you know... This is especially troublesome when dealing with people who have a low IQ since they lack the intelligence to relate to others... Order now, the informative literature by Talon... Order now, perspectives on life and beyond, only 29.99 Moneys, call 1-800-FOOKYOO or order online at www.fookyoo.local, remember, Fook Yoo!!

Sorry, I'm lazy today...

Honey, honey, what the hell is that doing in the backyard... The army had a sale, it's a harrier jet. And it's not doing anything in the backyard, it's currently parked in our back yard... where do you tank? Tank, I did not buy a tank. No, no, I'm talking about fuel, where do you get your kerosine... to be honest honey, I haven't thought of that... I saw the wings, the cockpit and the pricetag was reasonable... So what you are saying is that you were intentionally searching for a fighter airplane... Please honey, please understand, it comes with 12 free of charge sidewinder missiles... Sidewinder missiles, why the hell did you buy sidewinder missiles? No honey, please understand, the sidewinder missiles were complimentary, I only paid for the fighter jet...


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