Newsaholic Season 1 Episode 2 - The Beach

♪ I don't care about history, to me it's all a mystery [Caitlyn 12]
♪ I only worry about my homework tomorrow, it feels my brain with sorrow [Jack 14]
♪ Don't worry about things like tomorrow, say is there some money I can borrow [Mark 16]
♪ Ohwell you silly cat tell me more about life ♪ Don't worry I'll do after I finish off my wife [Geffrey] (The dad)
♪ Why the hell am I the last one that gets to speak, If I were a bird I would would peck you to death [Marjory] (The mom)
♪ Hey wait a minute this show isnt about silly old me, its about us humanity being what they could be [Rupert] (Cat]

It's Sunday morning, Geffrey puts his bathrobe on and steps outside to get the newspaper... Hmm, that's strange, there is no newspaper. Honey, why is there no newspaper? Oh, sorry dear, I gave it to the neighbour. The neighbor, what that crazy man next door who claims to be an International Spy? Yes dear, he said he needed intel really badly as he had to go for Operation Number Two. So he basically took my newspaper, because he needed to take a dump? Basically yes, but if you view it for another viewpoint it could have been a real mission. You see, you never know with these guys, it could have been code. Yes code, code for I need to take a shit. Sure honey, whatever you want to believe. You know, he winked at me when he said Number Two. If that isn't code I don't know what is.

Let me turn on the TV, ah nice Nature Dude is on. ...Wondrous occasion as this little kitten threads into a local river to swim for its first time... oh no the current is too strong... meeeeooooow... Im not getting in the water its too scary.... but then why did you put the kitty in to the river?... this is indeed as sad day for us all, poor kitten... so Chaniqua, how are things on your end? Nothing much, but I can't stand the smell in here, is there a dead mouse somewhere in here?. Did I hear someone say Dead Mouse? Yes Rupert, but that was actually the TV there is no mouse. Anyway, since there is no mouse and Marjory took all the kids to the ocean's beach, why don't we go out for some adventure. You know, just the two of us, human and cat against nature. It wil be a blast I tell you, come on Geffrey, please Geffrey... That doesn't work on me... Okay then, I'll go medievel against you... *meow*... *meow meow*... *meow meow meowmeow meow meowmeow meow meow meow meow meow* Please Rupert, stop, just please stop it already. Okay meow, I'll stop right meow. I want you stop meowing it's super annoying. Okay why don't we take the car and go for some fishing. Sure but first let me see the news... ..Welcome to News Today, here's your favorite host!! Good afternoon people, today, today of all days something happened in the studio. Yes people, a Hamster carrying a knife attacked the cameraman. I know what you are asking yourself, is this really News Today, or an episode of Disturbed Animals. See we have dead mice, drowned kittens and a knife wielding Hamster. I can assure you that this is actually really News Today, and now we switch to a commercial break... ...Geffrey, Geffrey. HEY Geffrey. YES, oops, I kinda zoned out there for a moment. Come on man, let's go fishing my man. Sure, lets go. *Geffrey and Rupert enter the garage and step in Geffreys car* Seatbelt on please, otherwise the thing on the dashboard goes all red and starts beeping. Sure... While we are on the way to a new era we muzt take care of ze people... ...what the hell is that? Relax Rupert, it's just a radio station I follow for fun and giggles. You know that that man is insane right. Pff, yeah, hell yeah, of course I do... Hmm mmm, try saying that next time without that embarrasing look on your face... ...There you have it people, I have taken Mega Vitamin Plus for over a month now, see how easy I tear my T-shirt to shreds... Geffrey, Geffrey, GEFFREY. Sorry, I zoned out again. Put another station on,  please. *Geffrey changes the radio station* ♪♫ Last night a DJ saved my life, last night a DJ saved my life from a broken heart...♪ Now this is good stuff!! Are we almost there yet? You tell me, you're a cat you're supposed to have a better sense of direction and location than me. You see that billboard over there from McHamsters, Honey Glazed Hamsters i have dreamt of this day, can we go to McHamsters? No it's the opposite side of where we are going, just call 1-800-MCHAMSTERS when we get home. See, we need to go to the left intersection and follow that for a while to get to the beach. You know what I like about the beach? Beached Fish! No, wrong answer, it's the ultimate in sports, womens beach volleyball, never can get enough of it!!! I hear you loud and clear my feline friend.  I'm going to call my wife to tell her we're on our way to the beach as well!! ♪Welcome to News Today... *Geffrey calls Marjory* ...prrt prrt... Honey, I'm on my wy to th beach, Rupert and I will be fishing. Dear, Caitlyn almost drowned... Almost drowned? She wanted attention from the lifeguard and started drowning herself...  Did they arrest him, the lifeguard that is. No dear he wasn't on any list. Good, I was affraid more innocent people would fall victim to her this week, anyway, we'll be there within 10 minutes. Also, don't let Caitlyn in the ocean anymore today. Why? Because the beach might have an endless supply of sand, it does not do so with lifeguards. See you soon dear, you as well honey. *click* ♪I need sunshine in the morning, or else life would be boring... What the hell is this music. I don't know, probably some unknown songwriter trying to make it big without the propper skills. I mean it is local FM, the radiochannel from our town, I mean, how rural can you get??? Did you know gamers also have a frequency of their own.... *Gamer FM* ...I always believed I would become the best game maker alive and now I am... Geffrey, that's Todd Coward, used to make great games but it's nothing but cashgrabs now... ♪Out now, Midget Fighting Extreme Turbo. Another midget fighting game, jeez, turn on the news or something! *News Radop*'s now 12 o' clock and you are tuning in to News Today. Hello people, there is a shoplifter on the loose who re identified the criminal activity. Chaniqua has all the details. Hi there Talon, yes there is a shoplifter on the loos who struck it big and has bought 4 chinooks. He now actually lifts shops instead of shoplifting them he's choplifting them. Hear that Rupert, you can never know what criminals plan. Using Chinooks to actually steal buildings, that's insane. I know Geffrey, I put him in contact with the helicopter dealer... *car is being parked at the beach* Hi guys, we're here, where's Caitlyn? She's getting french fries with mayonaise for the whole family. Ah there she is...

Written by Rob van Loon AKA Talon

This material is in a Beta Phase as it were, things are subject to change.


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