News Today -Part 2 [081919-02]

[Announcer] Welcome back to News Today, here's your favorite host!! [Talon] Chaniqua, Chaniqua, are you okay? [Chaniqua] Pff...pff...pff...Sorry, out of breath, still running. [Talon] Do you still see Hamsters behind you? [Chaniqua] Pff...Lemme look! No, I'm clear!! [Talon] What you are seeing now is previous footage from before the tomb was opened. Chaniqua is now live and audio only, Chaniqua what happened to the cameraman? [Chaniqua] I don't know, I don't see or hear him at all. No, no, wait a minute... I hear faint squeeks in the background, but am too scared to take a look. [Talon] Please get to safety Chaniqua. [Chaniqua] Will do, will do, thank you for thinking about my safety. [Talon] Anytime, anytime. People, it seems the last moments of the Cameraman were captured via satelite uplink. See it all, next on Disturbed Animals. There wasn't any time left on this show, don't miss it!!!

[Soundbite] Daddy, mommy, what is all that blood doing on the kitchen floor? Oh daddy just slaughtered a deer... [Butcher Drax] Yooo people, I'm Butcher Drax and I'm selling you finest cuts of locally hunted game. Call 1-800-DRAX or order online at www.butcherdrax.local

[GF] Have you ever ordered at Drax's? [RP] No, but I like the blood part!!


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