Illegal Leak About Genetically Engineered Housecats [082819-01]
Ze Genetically Engzineered Houzecat waz develloped withz ze idea zhat zey alway land on zeir feet... You zee, when ze engineered houzecat collides something happens. you zee, zee four pawz are ze connectzion point for ze exzplosive to detonate.. Yez, yez, ze explosive is fully biological, henze ze term of zenetical engzineered... we have tezted many catz the lazt few yearz, but we are ztill figuring out ze problemz... You zee here you haze youre houzecat in pristine condizion, wathz how I throw it accross ze explozion shield. *Boom*... You zee, ze cat explodez on impact when it landz on 4 feet. Now we all have zo do iz to amputate one leg from zese genetically engineered houzecats, zat way zey don't explode on ze impact sinze it haz only 3 three legz to land on the detonator wont swithz on.
Yes caller, please tell us all about the Genetically Engineered Housecats... [Caller] You zee, we were planning to blow up ze world. And one thingk came to mind. Houzecats... You zee, housecatz are deemed innocent and do not provoke fear in ze human mind. Zey want to pet it or give it a bowl of milk. And Thzus we realized to go with catz. You see, catz aren't that complicated zenettically, zo we were able to influenze it's DNA pretty eazily. It did come to a suprise to uz az how eazily zey explode, and we never zuspected terrorizts to make abuze of zis earth zhattering diszovery zat Genetically Catz explode on impact....
;Yes this is random but is an addon in ze Newzaholic univerze....
Yes caller, please tell us all about the Genetically Engineered Housecats... [Caller] You zee, we were planning to blow up ze world. And one thingk came to mind. Houzecats... You zee, housecatz are deemed innocent and do not provoke fear in ze human mind. Zey want to pet it or give it a bowl of milk. And Thzus we realized to go with catz. You see, catz aren't that complicated zenettically, zo we were able to influenze it's DNA pretty eazily. It did come to a suprise to uz az how eazily zey explode, and we never zuspected terrorizts to make abuze of zis earth zhattering diszovery zat Genetically Catz explode on impact....
;Yes this is random but is an addon in ze Newzaholic univerze....
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