Conspiracy Now - Poisonous Potato Chips [083019-11]

[Announcer] Welcome back to Conspiracy Now, here's your host!! [Top Host/CN Host] People before we start first you gotta see this...[Female Announcer] Loseweights Salted Chips, these potato chips are soaked in a weight loss chemical for days. Then dried and fried. These chips will truly make you lose weight by doing what you love doing... [CN Host] You HEAR that PEOPLE??? Those are life threatening Chemicals that will surely kill you... roll on [Soundbite/Disclaimer] This product may cause sideaffects that could harm you [CN Host] Could, are we talking about could. And it has already happened people, we need to stop these corporations. I have Seen the Victims, Smelled the Victims, on my way to work I came by a few corpses and started filming, here's the footage...  You see these corpses right here people, they're dead... you see that one, still twitching a little bit. Yes people do that after they die... *calls* Yes this is emergency services how may I help you? Yes I'm here between here and there within our local area and I have 2 corpses to report, yes mam they were in a car which needs to be towed *click* You see the potato chips were sold to the public for testing and many died on their way home from a night at a movie theather. You see, this is happening nation wide and will probably keep the countrywide public out of movie theathers. Well there are some rumors some unknown author in the shadows is working on a movie, that will probably get people back. But have you seen the quality of most movies lately, TOTAL TRIPE, and not the one the local Brazzilian Grandma makes at Central Street. No the uncooked kind straight from a cow corpse... Anyway people it's time for a Commercial Break...

Do ýou like a clean body, then we have the product for you, this soaps main ingredient is coffee. Yes Coffee. You see this black soap not only browns your skin, but also lets you smell like Delicious Morning Coffee made with freshly harvested morning dew. You see, here at Datawar we believe in our customers well being, health, mental health, dental care, pension program, fishing trips, hiking trips, people you get the point. [Chinese AD Man] You now, get clean fast, call 1-800-FOOKYOO or contact us at www.fookyoo.local, remember, always Fook Yoo!!


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