Conspiracy Now Host Vlog - Universe Life and Everything [083019-10] *****

Hi viewer, remember to stay out of the sun today even though I'm standing in it. I'm here at a park. What do you see people, what do you see. When you look up to the sky, what do you see, blue, exactly. And clouds, that is water people don't you get it?? And when you look below, what do you see? It's green, that's grass, people I'm asking if you recognize this gras?? Don't you get it it's motherF***ing grass. Sorry people, I shouldn't curse, I try to be a family show after all... Look straight forward... You see those, those are trees people, THEY BREATHE. You see me inhaling and exhaling, that's called breathing people, you do it constantly. Raaaaaaaaaargh people, we're in a battle for our lives here, don't you see, they don't want you to see, so I'm trying to let you see... Sorry I became a little emotional there. This is emotional and in no way shape or form rage. You see I'm a very emotional person, my viewers cam attest to that...There are things outside of our own perception!!! You see that owl over there? That's a CONDOR PEOPLE, LISTEN TO ME. Can you spell C O N D O R, yes yes, that is a condor and don't you doubt it for a second. But remember people, as always, do your own investigation into the sitiuation. CN Host Out!!


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