Conspiracy Now (Continued 3rd one of the day... [082919-03]

[Top Host]Welcome Caller [Caller] Hi, thank you so much for what you're doing man!! [Top Host] No thanks, I'm glad to do it, go ahead... [Caller] Well have you ever experienced when you are pooping on the toilet and it won't come out. And you start pushing and pushing and finally somethings come out, you stand up and look into the bowl and all you see is a tiny straw of poo? [Top Host] People, I'm sorry I had to cut this conversation off, this is a family show after all. See you back after the commercials...

Available now Datawar's very own IRB, Indigestion Restoration Boom. Remember people to only ingest this product while sitting on a toilet. Order now only 15.99 Moneys. Order via 1-800-DATAWAR or order online at www.datawar.local


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