Commercial break & News Tonight [082919-05] (elephants)

[Chaniqua Live] This is me reporting for News Today, this is Chaniqua. We are skipping the usual intro because this is live people, yes people... I'm here live in some local dessert where elephants live. Sir, good afternoon, can you explain what you are doing. [Garry GreenSafe Activist] Well, we'd had an idea of improving elephant safety so we have covered them in Kevlar. Also, you see the end of those ivory tusks? [Chaniqua] Yes I do! [Garry GSA] Those are titanium tips coated with depleted uranium. No one will ever dare to go to these beautiful creatures and poach them.... [Chaniqua] Well isn't that amazing, I love those grey creatures... This was Chaniqua live on the scene, Chaniqua out... [Talon] Welcome back to News Tonight, next up a movie mishap, they made a parody of a parody and it turned out serious. Don't miss it!!! See you back after the commercial break...

[Announcer] Tonight a movie about the history of colored people, at the end of the sugarcane, don't miss it!!! [Disclaimer] Warning, this movie does not accurately predicts the actual history of colored people. They had no wings and couldn't breathe fire!

[Caller]This is Josephine from PPP, Plant Political Party... You see those low hanging deliciously looking apple trees over there, and by delicious I mean the apple. You know how that tree has so much low hanging fruit. Look at the bottom, you see that there, they decapitated both trees and pasted the apple tree top onto the short tree trunk. Does the other one get to live, no!!! [Top Host] Caller, thank you for your call, but our main focus is not upon the trees. And yes people, I do love nature, nature is all around us, it sustains us. We're done for today, thank you for watching Conspiracy Now. May the conspiracy be with you, see you next time!!


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